All posts by: Christie Dwyer

What to paint part 2

This entry is a sequel to a previous entry I had written – What to paint? I enjoy painting very much but sometimes its hard to know what to paint or where to start. Some questions you might want to ask yourself, and you may find yourself coming to a conclusion of what you want […]


Is it me… or did anyone else notice these store signs/logos look oddly similar? Ok so the type is one thing, but the COLORS TOO?! What is this world coming to… !

My *emera bag

I had wishlisted the emera bag back and ended up getting it for my birthday! (woohoo!). I will say that it has been a GREAT bag for all my cameras and other photography items. I want to also mention that this is not a sponsored blog post and my desire to blog about this bag […]

beach chair quote

“No compass comes with this life Just eyes – So to map it out You must look inside Sure books can guide you But your heart defines you” Beach Chair by Jay-Z really moves me. The radio plays a lot of noise but with certain people you just know their is real talent there.


THIS IS FUN! You can create your own beat box! Took me a moment to figure it out, but you drag the icons at the bottom to the character and each one is a different music element. I’m convinced I’m still a kid at heart, because little things like this make me very excited… I […]


This made me laugh. Click here to see what I mean.

Lost Type

I came across a great collection of fonts over at I will admit I am having trouble deciding which I want to download…

I shot the Serif

My design professor from college posted this on facebook: I don’t know who designed it, it came from a long chain of facebook sharing. It made me laugh 😀

google web fonts

I recently discovered this from Google with it’s fairly new interface. In sites I’ve design we’ve used “cufón” for typefaces we wanted to have as actual text and not an image. it’s use through javascript and can slow down the site’s load time depending on how much you use. But Google has these fonts on […]

reversible doormat

I love the idea of this mat… it’s reversible! Design that can be seen either way boggles my mind a bit because I wouldn’t even know how to make it happen. But this made me laugh and I found it here.